
Holiday vs Sustainable!

Many people love being on holiday, and many like to be on a beach.
How often have you been worried about how you dispose of your garbage at home or on holiday? Hmm!
If you throw your garbage the wrong way, it goes straight to nature and the ocean. I know it is not news to you. I know this is a boring conversation, and nobody will think about it on holiday.
The bad habit produces terrible damage. As we can see in the table below, there are ten top ranks of littering founded on the oceans.

Rank Debris items Total
1 Cigarettes/cigarette filters 1,910,777
2 Caps/lids 1,131,647
3 Beverage bottles (plastic), 2 litters or less 1,055,629
4 Plastic bags 969,244
5 Food wrappers/containers 940,277
6 Cups/plates/forks/ knives/spoons 707,171
7 Glass beverage bottles 486,967
8 Straws/stirrers 468,161
9 Beverage cans 422,816
10 Paper bags


Source: The Top Ten Types of Debris Littering the Oceans


Result of our actions!

Let’s rethink our actions and change bad habits to good ones, and the environment will be grateful.

Here is a tip: you can do lovely art with one of those items of your garbage.
Patchwork in a glass bottle is a lovely piece of art to decorate your place or give to someone else.

Step by step

1-     glass bottle
2-     few bits of cloth with the color you like.
3-     Scissor and glue
Let’s do it

Wash the bottle and dry it.
Cut the cloth into different shapes and reserve it.
Apply glue to the bottle and stick the cloth on it.
After it dries, it is ready to use.

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